
Play your song



As melhores soluções criam sempre problemas benignos, úteis e radiantes. Daqueles que dá vontade de trazer no bolso para demonstrar em truques de inteligência. A inteligência partilhada fervilha e o horizonte sorri.

Uma boa solução poderá atravessar um canal de comunicação inóspito e ser apenas apenas uma criação temporária de potencial integrativo. A potência da forma comunicante cria um vaso transformativo. Mas cria transformação, arranha a homogeneidade e a bestialidade. Enriquece.

As bestas mantêm-se nos campos de trigo, assoladas pelos pesadelos da diferença ser identificável como despiciente. Perfídia. Jactância. Soluções como considerações autocráticas da expurgação de uma visão natural da realidade.

E sorriem como se os milheirais fossem cabeças mortas encapsuladas e resignadas à sua razão.


Truth in words

"We're essentially continuing a system where profits are privatized and ... losses socialized

Nouriel Roubini, professor at New York University's Stern School of Business.


Mr Jacques Després

The genius :)

Keep it safe

Portmanork, Ireland

Supermarket parking lot

Trás-os-Montes by day

Keep it clean

Luanda by day

Genialidade 2

Oposto 2

O que é finito, é aquilo do qual vemos o início, o fim ou os limites. Vemos a sua forma no local onde o nosso olhar pára. Um círculo é finito, quando podemos determinar o centro e distinguir a sua circunferência.

O que é infinito, é o que nos escapa, de um lado ou de outro, pelo seu tamanho, a sua origem ou o seu resultado. Um círculo é infinito, se não virmos os seus limites, se não pudermos medi-los ou compreendê-los.


Opostos filosóficos - genialidade 1

A editora Educare editou há pouco tempo um livro brilhante intitulado "O livro dos grandes opostos filosóficos". Trata-se de um livro dirigido principalmente às crianças e a adultos que querem relembrar-se da necessidade contínua de reflectir. Para além de estar brilhantemente escrito, as ilustrações de Jean-François Saada são gloriosas. Sugiro vivamente a sua compra!
Ao longo dos próximos dias irei referir alguns dos opostos que se podem ler neste livro.

Oposto 1: Um objecto é um objecto ou uma montagem de elementos, um conjunto de pequenas partículas?


Where am I?

Imagine that you are applying for a job position. Everything looks great. You are unemployed and tired of that feeling of not being worthy and valued. Ok, life starts to feel promising.

Now, imagine also that the job position was announced and made available by two different recruitment companies and that both only knew that this was happening less than a week before the final interview. You may think "ok, nothing is wrong with that". Wrong!

Imagine that both recruitment companies phoned you and invited you for an interview. Remember, the job position was the same but they didn't know that because they didn't tell you the name of client. They couldn't at that stage of the process.

Ok, hard?

Continuing. Imagine that you're feeling fine for having 2 interviews in the same day, one near the place where you live and the other 140kms far away from there. It's a lovely morning. Everything looks brighter, your smile seems like an exuberant channel of happiness.

First interview. 10h in the morning. It was ok. The recruitment consultant says that you will be phoned later to know if you passed to the final phase (interview with the client). You wait. And the day keeps it's lovely and traceable aurora.

Second interview, another company, 140kms. 17h in the evening. News! You now right after the end of the interview that you were chosen to be in the last phase of the process. Hey, reader, are you thinking that the consultant of the 1st interview phoned him? You're believer! Naaaaa! The consultant that conducted the 2nd interview looks intrigued. Something looks familiar.

Surprise! You tell him that you had an interview for the exactly same position in the morning. Ok, he did noticed that before. He gets frustrated and embarrassed and says that he is sorry and that he didn't know that you had been spotted before by another company.

How would you feel? Like shit, probably. There two ways to think about this:

1- "Oh well, at least I had two chances for the same position!"

2- "What the f*** is this?????? Are these guys nuts? I drove 140kms to come to the same job position interview?????"

Now, imagine that just after you knew that you had been chosen for the final interview, the consultant of the 1st interview says that your interview was appointed for tomorrow. Hum...Two interviews for the same day, at the same time, for the same job position? You think about Darwin, the Galapagos, the turtles, the birds and the monkeys. You feel like a toy on their hands. Just a maggot with a useless brain and will. Yes, the word was "jungle" but that's not appropriate. Jungle has order and established hierarchies.

You go home. You sleep. You wake up. You have an interview. You wake up. You have an interview. You dream.

I scream!

This happened today. No, I didn't have any popcorn.

Welcome to Portugal! :)


It stinks big time!

- 29 years;
- 5 years on a temporary position, doing 40+ hours per week (fulltime);
- Doing a masters degree;
- Ceramic industry;
- "We can't hire you on a full term. We are restraining our costs";
- Multinational company;
- "Sorry, we don't need you anymore. You don't need to come tomorrow."

It's illegal, it's immoral, it's ferocious, it's...It's unspeakable.

And it's happening everyday in thousands of lives...

September Screenshot

Nice, isn't it? Of course it is! :P